Wednesday’s Reality

Today should be a good day. The 2nd means we made it through another month without going hungry and our food assistance is replenished for the month. I even have gas to get to and from the grocery store in a neighboring town. The problem is I have a past due electric bill, and a shut off order applied to my account as of yesterday. With this in mind, I am hesitant to purchase food ( particularly persishables)

The past-due amount is $ 171.00.

Today, I also face having my internet shut off again. That amount is $128.00

And AGAIN, the mortgage went unpaid for September. $431.87. They gave me 7 days ( on the 30th ) to pay or face foreclosure. Actually they are trying to get us to quit claim title back over to them. 😦

Any one can be paid directly to the specific entity and I will gladly provide specifics.

And I am still living in what is fast becoming squalor. With our plumbing and back load of trash still piled everywhere.

it sucks because I know that we are doing EVERYTHING we know to do to help ourselves. AND I can’t continue living this way. I don’t wish this on my worst enemy… TODAY I feel as though I am suffocating.

AND YET, Every move I make I question whether or IT would be pleasing to GOD! Even pleasing to those I have grown close to.

I have tried desperately to remain positive through this. I cling to my faith. I pray and I pray some more.

I have reached out in every way I know how. AND YES, I realize that no one here owes me one red cent and I know how all this must sound. I know how it sounds to me. I hate being so dependent, but the fact remains that I am, and this is why I began this fundraiser to begin with.

TRULY, I don’t want to keep BEATING a dead horse. This is our only HOPE! To reach someone that is financially able to STEP up beyond all reason and HELP where the GREATEST needs are!

Last but not least, I am quite thankful for the assistance we have gotten in this fundraiser. A FEW have GONE WAY ABOVE and BEYOND!

It’s amazing, quite honestly! I hope I have sufficiently expressed my gratitude to everyone who has helped us on this journey, Sometime I wonder about that too.

However, donations are still DESPERATELY needed.

So PLEASE, if you are able, please donate. If you have questions or would like to help with a specific need, please ask.

Thank you ALL for listening…

My pleas are heartfelt and genuine,

God Bless You.

Awww Geez! Now what?


Well, here we are on the 29th day of September and I think it’s time to admit that I feel as though I have painted myself into a corner, particularly where this fundraiser is concerned meaning more than five months ago, I set a goal for this fundraiser of $3000.00.

I didn’t want to seem GREEDY because I am NOT. And it seemed a reasonable amount and would have been I think but I underestimated the time in which it would take to get this far. Also, I never imagined that we would still be unemployed or that we would still be struggling in the day-to-day .
There I said it!

Please realize that was really HARD to say!

A few weeks ago I was so discouraged that I felt like throwing in the towel, dismantling the blog and bidding my farewells to people who have become VERY important to me and crawling under a rock. Then I realized that by doing so, by giving up, I would be serving up a GREAT injustice to ALL concerned. And yes I realize there are many concerned, and I feel really responsible for the messages I send out to my readership.

Aside from the fact that it is just NOT financially feasible to just GIVE up now. Fact IS we still need you.

That being said, we have raised $2805.00 to date! SO YAY!!!!! We are so thankful to those who have supported us and continue to support us! And believe me, we still NEED continued support. At the same time I hope to make a difference to others who may be facing similar circumstances.

SO with optimism and a lot of needs left to reckon with, we continue on this journey to getting our life back. I ask that you try and forget that initial goal. The goal now is to become whole and self-sufficient again. Whatever that takes.

AGAIN … Thanks for patience, understanding, kindnesses and support.

YES donations are still VERY much needed and appreciated .

Please be assured that WE are still doing EVERYTHING and will continue to do everything in our own power to improve our own situation.

– God Bless

P.S. I took down our needs page because even I became OVERWHELMED in reading it.

But the short list for today is 1) mortgage 2) overdue electric bill 3) We are still living with plumbing and trash disposal issues. Again this is the short list.

If you’d like to help DIRECTLY with/to a specific need, please inquire. I will gladly provide details.

Thanks Again! 🙂

Light… glorious light ….


‘Along your ride called “Life”, you may encounter rough storms. The dark clouds and unrelenting winds may bring feelings of sadness, grief, depression, anxiety or maybe even anger or resentment. Keep Riding. Just ahead, the clouds will disappear, the winds will blow over and you will find your peace. It is now that you become the bright light for others going through their storm. If you can, help them through it.’

Photo: Copyright © 2013 The Horse Mafia.
Photo and artwork in its entirety: Copyright © 2013 The Horse Mafia.

One Sows and Another Reaps

Thank you Cheryl Foston for this post. It holds deep meaning for me today….Timely and thought-provoking and it is so true! Often, WE FORGET. Every person who crosses our path helps, molds, and influences is one way or another. In times of plenty WE TEND TO FORGET, that we WERE all SUPPORTED in one way or another ALONG the way. Some are helped more than others, unfortunately. Too many take it for granted. But none of us can actually say that we didn’t get any help along the way. Be Blessed!

How empty is empty?


Or I pose this question.. “How empty does empty have to be?”

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING !!!! Brutal Honesty Ahead!

BELIEVE ME! It’s Empty! It has been 10 days since our last donation, and that went straight to the mortgage.

PLEASE FORGIVE ME as I truly am at a loss for words, and I’m struggling with my thoughts today!

Hand to mouth IS NOTHING new to me. I’ve never made a huge amount of money, despite decades of hard work ( other than a couple of hard-earned wind-falls back in the 90s ) BUT it was always MORE than enough! And YES, even ENOUGH to share a bit which I did on a regular basis when I was able . There was always a GREAT comfort in knowing that there was a paycheck coming at the end of the week. Right now we still don’t have that luxury. And it’s a scary, way to live.

You see, when you have nothing, it’s NOT ENOUGH which was and continues to be the reason for this fundraiser.

I don’t know what I expected when I began this fundraiser nearly five months ago. I do know that we have received more than we ever could have hoped for, having raised $2,610.00 in the course of five months through the generosity of 19 individuals…!!! 5 of those, donated more than once. The donations of one individual, accounts for more than half of the donations received for our welfare . This individual has been AMAZINGLY generous! In fact the whole of ya’ll have been considering you were all strangers to me five months ago. WE ARE GRATEFUL for all the support. I know we have a lot of you , pulling for us. And I love that. This post is not about that!

Please, now I ask you to think about this. 5 months, $2,610.00. We have lived on that, for the most part with not much else coming into the household .

So please YOUR DONATIONS are still NEEDED and GREATLY appreciated….

Again, hand-to-mouth is nothing new to me. I have a lot of faith, and always try to remain positive. It’s not always easy though.

Furthermore, I am NOT trying to offend anyone or turn anyone off or away from helping me or someone else for that matter!

I’m just trying to be truthful in the way I am feeling today.

Yes I am frustrated. it’s been two years of sputtering for us. NO at times, I don’t understand. Then I think if I don’t understand, how can I expect anyone else to.

Yes, I am feeling discouraged! All we want is our lives back with some semblance of normalcy and it seems so elusive. Is that too much to ask? Really? I don’t think so.

Do I feel worthy of more than subsistence ? HECK YEAH!

Do I feel any shame in what I am doing? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Because I know we are doing the VERY BEST that we can with what we have to work with.


PAY PAL is PREFERRED for a couple of reasons. 1) Funds are transferred in REAL TIME giving us immediate access. 2) My mortgage holders have an pay pal account and I can transfer directly to them from my pay pal account. 3) The donations are easier to keep track of with their statement system.

If you would like to donate via pay-pal, please click here.( you will be directed to our personal website where you will find a button for paypal. ) Click on it to donate any amount )