The difference, 10 months can make…

Hello Strangers !

When last  I wrote, things were extremely dire.    My last post coincides with both losing our internet and getting to  a crucial job interview with a leading storage facility management company here in Florida.   So we went  further into debt, in getting to our interview.  After what we thought was an awesome interview, we were told that a couple with more storage experience got the job but also that they would keep us in mind for future openings. 

Still we were grateful that our old Oldsmobile  station wagon with transmission issues  got us to and from  our interview.( approximately 150 miles )  She ran for another week or so.  Now  we were in real trouble without transportation.  A friend who owned a non emergency medical transport company had an idea though.   He would scrap one of his vehicles and we would scrap old Betsy.  With the proceeds, they would buy a mini van that we would have use of IF Ron went to work for his company. 

Done deal.     Ron went to work  as a driver at the end of October.  Our electric got shut off in the same time  frame.  We would be without lights for almost a month. 

Approximately a month into the job , we had saved enough to pay the electric bill.    Ron loved his job.  In fact the only thing he could see wrong  was that the pay was based on commission.  OUCH!    Thankfully, the first several weeks were busy and his pay reflected that.  I can not begin to express how grateful we were to be able to pull our own weight finally after nearly two years in extreme poverty.  Even when business slowed in early spring, we could at least cover our basic expenses.

Meanwhile, we were offered two more properties to manage from the same company we had applied for in October.  Feeling obligated to our friend and Ron’s employer.  We declined both.   They stopped calling.

As much as Ron loved his work  ( primarily working with elderly and terminal patients) the hours were getting to him.  He was putting in an average of 60 hours a week and the pay did not always reflect that.  Oddly, we never knew what his pay would be from one week to the next which was disheartening.  it depended on the runs he was getting, whether there were delays in patient readiness, and dispatch who seemed to give the gravy runs to her favorite drivers consistently.   There were also promises made and not kept   In June he had had  enough.    I was terrified, but understood when he came home early and told me IF something didn’t give he was done.  That was a Monday night in mid June.

That night, I called the lady who had interviewed us for the storage management position several months earlier.  We agreed to meet her on Wednesday the same week.

On Tuesday, Ron spoke to his friend/employer and Ron aired his grievances.   Ironically, it was left up to the dispatcher on whether or not Ron would return to work.   The dispatcher said NO.   That same morning we won  $555.00 on a Fantasy Five ticket.   Ron also had an another paycheck coming.  We took it as a sign that We were supposed to move forward with this new opportunity.

We met with the district manager at the property we preferred to get because it was in close proximity to our home.  Which would allow us to go home often.   The interview went ok.  But it was kind of  obvious to us that she had her mind made up on a couple who was already working for the company.   I was feeling a bit dejected as I walked through the door after the interview BUT then the phone rang.    Suddenly we were planning another day trip.  This time to Jacksonville.

We met the district manager at the Cracker Barrel for lunch, and then followed him to the property he had us in mind for.    It was a HUGE property with almost 600 units and very well kept.  Our quarters ( if we got the job) was a very nice 2 bedroom/1 bath apartment.  We let him know that we were interested but had to make another trip home without knowing whether or not we had the job which was agonizing.   He called us early the next day.  WE HAD The job and would start  on June 30th! 

We would spend the next week paying bills and  preparing for our move which we wanted to make as simple as possible.    We brought only what we absolutely needed and what would fit in the van which turned out to be a few personal items, our clothing, a card table, two dining room chairs, several huge throw pillows and the cats.  We decided because of her temperament to leave Millie ( our beloved pup ) with the same neighbors who gave her to us in the first place.  I think that was the hardest part. 

We’ve been here just over seven weeks now and all is going well.  Since we’ve been here  we passed one important inspection with flying colors  and made a bonus quota in our first month here.    We expect the bonus to kick in at  any time.  And we just got the paperwork to enroll for our benefits  ( insurance and 401k )   Otherwise, we are slowly furnishing our new home away from home.  We’ve gone out to dinner with my older sister once and had a visit from my BFF who lives west of here, twice.     Ron has even gone to church a few times.  All and all, I feel as though we’ve gotten our life back and feel very blessed.

As for our home, we are keeping it and have been able to pay our mortgage consistently since December as well as whittle away at the arrearages.  It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I posted here.  This has weighed heavy on my heart because I kind of left the blog in limbo though I had little choice because I didn’t have access to internet.  When I did get internet back it was on a not so smart phone that made it almost impossible to post here though I could read the occasional blog that came up on my FB.     It is only now that I am able to post.

So here I am reaching  out to ya’ll, with a long deserved update.  I am sorry I couldn’t do this sooner. 

To those who assisted us, though All But Homeless, on this most incredible journey,  thank you!     We are eternally GRATEFUL for your friendship and contributions.  I honestly  feel we would not be here now if not for many of you.

God Bless you always! 

Awww Geez! Now what?


Well, here we are on the 29th day of September and I think it’s time to admit that I feel as though I have painted myself into a corner, particularly where this fundraiser is concerned meaning more than five months ago, I set a goal for this fundraiser of $3000.00.

I didn’t want to seem GREEDY because I am NOT. And it seemed a reasonable amount and would have been I think but I underestimated the time in which it would take to get this far. Also, I never imagined that we would still be unemployed or that we would still be struggling in the day-to-day .
There I said it!

Please realize that was really HARD to say!

A few weeks ago I was so discouraged that I felt like throwing in the towel, dismantling the blog and bidding my farewells to people who have become VERY important to me and crawling under a rock. Then I realized that by doing so, by giving up, I would be serving up a GREAT injustice to ALL concerned. And yes I realize there are many concerned, and I feel really responsible for the messages I send out to my readership.

Aside from the fact that it is just NOT financially feasible to just GIVE up now. Fact IS we still need you.

That being said, we have raised $2805.00 to date! SO YAY!!!!! We are so thankful to those who have supported us and continue to support us! And believe me, we still NEED continued support. At the same time I hope to make a difference to others who may be facing similar circumstances.

SO with optimism and a lot of needs left to reckon with, we continue on this journey to getting our life back. I ask that you try and forget that initial goal. The goal now is to become whole and self-sufficient again. Whatever that takes.

AGAIN … Thanks for patience, understanding, kindnesses and support.

YES donations are still VERY much needed and appreciated .

Please be assured that WE are still doing EVERYTHING and will continue to do everything in our own power to improve our own situation.

– God Bless

P.S. I took down our needs page because even I became OVERWHELMED in reading it.

But the short list for today is 1) mortgage 2) overdue electric bill 3) We are still living with plumbing and trash disposal issues. Again this is the short list.

If you’d like to help DIRECTLY with/to a specific need, please inquire. I will gladly provide details.

Thanks Again! 🙂

A Prayer for Today

Image Credit :

Image Credit :

Father in Heaven

Today I choose to release everything
that has tried to hold me back. I release
the past; I release bitterness: I release failures
and missed opportunities. Instead I embrace
your grace and power to boldly move forward
into the blessing you have for me…

In Jesus’ Name


Out of Suffering …


Out of suffering has emerged
the strongest souls;
the most massive characters are
seared with scars .. ~ Unknown

Yep I may be a little beat up ( scarred up ) BUT I’m not broken and I’m still standing …

Thank you God!

Image Credit: Reiki Revolution