Blessed are …


Then all I can say, is that I must be REALLY REALLY blessed! 😉

All kidding aside, I know I am blessed and YET I must admit, I still question why things must get pretty bad, before the realization strikes me again. Perhaps it is MY GOD, just whipping me into shape for something HUGE, yet to unfold !?!?

“Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.” ~ Dean Koontz

Image Credit : An Attitude of Gratitude
Quote : Dean Koontz

Stronger, Smarter, Braver by Comparison


Be strong enough to stand alone,
smart enough to know when you need help
and brave enough to ask for it! ~ Unknown

When I first saw this quote yesterday, it brought me back to a chat I was having with my new neighbor about the time we realized we were in big trouble financially.

While I have always fancied myself a survivor, I didn’t feel very strong on that day. In fact I felt pretty weak and it was on that day that I let the cat out of the bag.

Faye, who was no stranger to personal hardship herself (saw through ) what I so desperately tried to hide and was there with an open heart, broad shoulders and suggestions on how to go about getting the help I needed…

I was like ” NO! NO ! NO! I couldn’t possibly do that!” And I was so adamant about it.

I guess you’d have to know my family background to fully understand my resistance.

Words like dependence and humility were not in my family’s vocabulary. Both a sign of weakness!

Thankfully, Faye is not the preachy type and did not look down on me pitifully.

She simply shrugged , pondered on my response and said.

“Sometimes, you have to ask for help!”

I remember those words every time I feel like surrendering to my situation. I don’t even know if she realized how much she helped me on that day.




Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their kind support ( monetary and otherwise ) It is because of our plight, and the creation of this blog that I have ‘met’ some of the richest people on this planet. You guys ( and ladies ) are amazing. God Bless you all!

As far as our fundraising goals we are 13 dollars shy of being 2/3rd of the way to our initial goal. 🙂

Donations ( of any amount ) are STILL NEEDED and GREATLY appreciated!


Image Credit

Everything is Going to be Alright. :)


Some days are better than others no doubt but this evening I hold tight to this truth. I heard from TJ, who seemed very lucid and taking care of business. At least he is going through the motions which is cathartic in itself.

With my stepson gone back north , TJ is back in Broward and staying with family friends. They are planning a candlelight memorial for Sarra on Friday evening. I’d like to be there. Whether I go or not is up in the air.

Here on the homefront, all is quiet. Again, I can’t help but appreciate the respite. Or the lessons God is teaching me in this process.

I truly believe, everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually!


Image Credit : Lovely Quotes of Love

All But Homeless is a personal fundraiser to help us recover from financial ruin. Donations needed and greatly appreciated. Our story is told in the pages left , Thank you ALL for your kind support.