Light… glorious light ….


‘Along your ride called “Life”, you may encounter rough storms. The dark clouds and unrelenting winds may bring feelings of sadness, grief, depression, anxiety or maybe even anger or resentment. Keep Riding. Just ahead, the clouds will disappear, the winds will blow over and you will find your peace. It is now that you become the bright light for others going through their storm. If you can, help them through it.’

Photo: Copyright © 2013 The Horse Mafia.
Photo and artwork in its entirety: Copyright © 2013 The Horse Mafia.

One Sows and Another Reaps

Thank you Cheryl Foston for this post. It holds deep meaning for me today….Timely and thought-provoking and it is so true! Often, WE FORGET. Every person who crosses our path helps, molds, and influences is one way or another. In times of plenty WE TEND TO FORGET, that we WERE all SUPPORTED in one way or another ALONG the way. Some are helped more than others, unfortunately. Too many take it for granted. But none of us can actually say that we didn’t get any help along the way. Be Blessed!

This and that, twixt and tween


Monday, September 16

Hello y’all!

YES I am still here and I thought it was time for a post! I have spent the last few days doing a lot of praying and wracking my brains as to what to do next.

First off ….As of the this morning, just hours before this blogs five – month anniversary we hit the 200 follower mark! Now how is that for timing?

With that said, THANK YOU! ! Special thanks to those who have been quite faithful in offering friendship and encouragement. What a incredible experience this has been so far. IT TRULY has!

The irony is now, I find myself in a quagmire of sorts, mostly because my worldly woes still have me in a choke-hold and because of that, I got all caught up in the race, broke my own rules and in effect, created my own monster…. I believe it was out of my fear of failing BUT it did not allow me to properly appreciate or enjoy all the many blessings ( not all of which were monetary ) that have come our way in this process. Smiles. You all know who you are.

Perhaps at times, I came across as being TOO NEEDY, or GREEDY or EVEN Demanding! I have NO excuse other than desperation I guess !

And still ya’ll were so patient and kind with me!

Aside from that, life happens and offers its own stress , mood swings, and family disputes
( immediate and otherwise) . Just yesterday I deleted 30 FB friends over a squabble between my husband and one of his siblings. While I have managed to keep most of it off of this BLOG, it happens and it does side track me.

For that I apologize. It was NEVER my intent to turn this fundraiser into any kind of side show or cause hard feelings of any kind, so if I have PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

Which brings me to today.

We are mere hours from our 5- month Anniversary and still no doubt struggling and staring down deadlines.

Perhaps a brief sabbatical is in order so I can truly get my head and my heart in the right place. Perhaps God will see that I get one. 😛 I have come to realize that he and he ALONE has all the power. I know he will take care of us in his own way, and his own time. I am struggling with how this might relate to my own reasonings. I have some VERY high hopes for the transitioning of this blog too which I haven’t quite figured out. One thing for sure is you are going to be seeing a lot of changes around here.

Just know that we are not giving up! I still have a lot of hope, and faith in GOD,in myself and in the people I call friends. Yep, still EXPECTANT of a few more miracles. 🙂

Thank you ALL so VERY much and may God Bless You ALWAYS !

PS IF you do not see me blogging for a few days. Please NO WORRIES. I ‘ll be back! I can still be reached by traditional means. Our contact info is all over the blog.

12 days shy of 5 mo. Anniversary, $390.00 to Our Goal!


We would love to reach it in the next 12 days. We actually NEED to reach our goal sooner than that. Do you think we can do it? I do! 🙂 Because of the length of time it has taken us to get this far, not all the needs have been reckoned with, however, reaching our goal would give us a fighting chance. Wheeeeww!

It’s exciting to think about it. SO very very very very close NOW.

If we received 20, $20.00 donations…

If we got 39, $10 donations …

8, $50 dollar donations …

or 4, $100.00 donations… We’d be covered!

My husband finally goes back to work tomorrow. I am working feverishly to get my web design services launched again. And also have started with Amazon Mechanical Turks. All the while still applying for jobs that present themselves. I am hoping that interviews will come of at least a few of those I applied for last week,

Donations are still NEEDED and GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks to all of you who have supported us and continued to support us in this effort.

What an AWESOME thing you are doing for us.


What she said… (1st of several posts I plan to write today) Stay tuned!!!!


I would like to begin this day by thanking my friend and fellow blogger Mish . She wrote an article in my behalf yesterday. This is not the first article she’s written for me, probably like the third or fourth. She has been HUGELY supportive since the beginning! And I’ll even go as far to say that I didn’t understand why she was so eager to help us as she did. Not until I happened upon a comment she made on another’s blog concerning her own family member who is also struggling.

Anyway, Mish has this uncanny ability to get in my head, and express what I so often feel but don’t often express openly for various reasons. .

She HITS on several major points that I am often too frustrated to articulate with as much grace when I write some of my more angsty posts.

She has definitely outdone herself here and if you haven’t read the post I ask you to do so today .

She Needs Your Help

All I can say Mish, is that you are more than welcome to climb up on your soapbox and speak in my behalf anytime! And if your soapbox ever wears out, you can borrow mine! 🙂

Thanks MISH ! Truly!
